Zetland Park Methodist Church Pastoral Letters

And where has yet another year disappeared to?

Have you noticed that you are drawing the curtains that wee bit earlier? Have you noticed too, that it is not as light in the mornings when you get up at your 'normal' time? Whatever we seek to do with all the objects we have acquired, there is NOTHING we can do about the advancement of the seasons.

Our Scriptures begin with 'the Spirit brooding over the chaos'. There is no indication in the material available to us that there was in fact any noise at all, so can we possibly think that 'silence' was the order of the day, waiting for 'something' to happen? Maybe --- but that could just be conjecture and open to re-interpretation. Elijah 'almost' it would seem, 'got it', with that 'still small voice of calm', or is that in fact the Biblical writer's method of indeed saying, 'there was silence' There had been a cacophony of sound and motion: earthquake, wind and fire and certainly there was a remote suggestion that 'silence' was anywhere around, until ---- 'The sound of silence?'

From the 'dullness' of the dreary wintertime and its promise of spring;

From the tying up of the spent daffodils to the enjoyment of budding roses and fuchsias;

From the cutting of grass and the clearing of weeds to the first hint of falling leaves and gathered harvests;

From the autumnal tones, to the fresh whiteness of a crisp winter's morning.

And where has yet another year disappeared too?

We put the apparent 'rapid' passage of such time down to a whole variety of reasons, and no doubt you are thinking of your exact one, now. Yet, whatever we seek to espouse the fact is that we are in phase three of 2005: autumn. For me it can be a time when my camera can go into overdrive as it seeks to capture that glorious God-given autumnal tints, so pleasant to the eye, yet so elusive to capture either on film, through digital or even on canvas. But then there are those surprising moments when you come on a scene that takes your breath away: when God's glory is so majestically shown in tints and tinctures that almost defy description. They don't assail the eyes, I feel that they 'caress' them as a fragrant kiss from a beloved. Yet when you begin to work out the reason for this apparent grandeur we are actually seeing Creation in the form of a death throe, as the spectacular growth of spring and summer recedes for yet another year. In death there is a 'beauty' beyond human telling, which in a way excites us and inspires us to eulogize and create around it. Strange, is it not, how the senses seek to react in admiring, when we should be, well, is the correct word, 'mourning'?

But that I perceive is NOT the way of the Almighty.

Each season has its place in the order of things determined by a mind and with a purpose far greater that we can begin to imagine. We have been given our own yet limited ability to perceive and assimilate, and marvel at the handiwork of our Creator God. But too often we misuse those abilities and get tangled up in the web-like confusion which we create around us as our so-called security.

If we are honest about our life and its living, we will always seek to have a life-style which seeks to reflect a summer-time feeling when all is good and shining and bright. The days are long and can be filled with fun and laughter well into the night hours. All around feels good; we soak in the warmth and appreciate the colours and smells around ----- life on that basis is not far short of idyllic and that is how we like it ---- perfect! But God in His wisdom has given us 'growing days' like the springtime, when we have to push hard to get to the surface and struggle to obtain sufficient moisture to sustain and maintain us. When we are prone to the vagrancies of things and situations around us, and nothing, yet 'nothing', is certain.

Or the autumnal time when we have to begin to 'let go' and allow others, fresh and full of vim and vigour, to replace us as we come to form a background rather than a prominent front member. That too is hard, for we feel that we still blaze with a glory that needs to be recognized, but others see different and that too is hard --- very hard in some cases. Then the coldness of winter: sharp and shapeless sometimes. The land burying itself below a blanket - forgotten and cold. Life can seem like that too, for far too many --- lost, desperate, in need.

But across it all there are the rays of sunshine: sometimes brilliant and illumine as in the zenith of summer; or that milky whiteness in the depth of winter; the dancing rays through autumnal tinted forests; the increasing glow through those early months of anticipated spring. These rays, like a deep, penetrating love seek us all out in a variety of ways. For that 'love' is both the gift and the concern of the Creator who knows our needs. Yes, even yours!

Our lives are like the seasons, but the Love of God never ceases.

August 2005