Zetland Park Methodist Church Pastoral Letters

A brand-new diary

There’s something about a brand-new diary!

Its fresh, unadulterated pages beckon the pen and the innumerable scribbles which become the historical document of 2005. The creation of an historical document?
Yes, as each entry is made, you are in effect, recording your part of history in this Year of Grace, 2005. Do you, like me, browse through old diaries and check up what you may have been doing on the same day in years past? Surprising sometimes is it not? Did I even THINK of doing that ---- or, it may provoke a deep memory of an event of lasting proportions ---- or that thought of a life-changing holiday, or romance, or whatever else. Recalling history in that format can be both interesting as well as disturbing.

My diaries recall for me my travels around the British Methodist Connexion: many are good, some are best forgotten. Some recall the treasures I have shared, and others the tragedies that are life and its living. Many a time it stuns me into silence as I recall the events as well as the people with whom I have been involved and are all part of that great tapestry which is the Kingdom of God.

But enough of the past [for the time being], let’s look ahead and what may constitute the entries for this year. There are the ‘constants’: the birthdays and the anniversaries; the ‘regular’ meetings with family and friends; holidays and times away; but there are also those one-off entries which may cause us in latter years to stop and reflect on those ‘special moments’ that will evoke all sorts of emotion and the like.
Whatever our intention, create that record of history however insignificant YOU may think it is, for others may not.

So, when you recall those who recorded the life and times of a wandering race, called out of the comfort and complacency of affluence into desert situations and the virtual unknown, do you not ask yourself if they ever stopped and asked, ‘Why am I doing this?’ Yet, they faithfully stuck to their task and provided for many a generation thought-provoking material of life and living which affects us even in this over-affluent 21st century. For this was to be the record of the history of the travelling people of God --- a motley crew that we may think twice of being associated with in this time of self and self alone. Yet we ARE part of it, as we too have been chosen to be God’s in this part of His Kingdom. Now, that’s something to begin to think about!!

So, as a New Year resolution [which hopefully we can ALL keep], look at the diary/historical record of those people and see what you can discover.
· They were chosen to be God’s, and asked to follow Him
· They did, for a while, and then got restless and demanding; seeking control and in the process became disobedient
· They screwed up the rules and made them so overburdening that they held the people back rather than encouraged them to move on
· They failed to read the signs which God sent among them nor to heed the people sent with a very important message
· They dismissed the teachings of those ‘prophets’ as over-bearing and too demanding; totally beyond their perception of what God should be like
· They took the ‘law into their own hands’ and fashioned God to their own image
· Yet despite all that, GOD REMAINED FAITHFUL and His people survived and multiplied. The presence and message spread and many came to faith; the ‘Word of the Lord’ remained a sharp sword and the preachers continued the ‘journey of faith’

And today? You will find that the story of the Christian community is very similar to the above. Even with that ‘historical record’ and its accessibility it is still not the centre of many peoples’ lives, and remains a ‘curiosity’.

A new year allows us an opportunity to ‘let go the past’ and look ahead ----- look ahead down that road of faith and see first of all that God, through Christ is already there, calling us on. Yes, there are tasks to do, and we will be given the strength to do them, however we may feel at this present moment in time -----IF WE HAVE FAITH AND BELIEVE. For nothing is impossible for God ----- we NEED to believe that and TRUST that in the days ahead, for that is all wrapped up in the promise which God gave to His people and is STILL ‘alive’ today, namely ‘I am with you always’. If we can but hold onto that we WILL be able to move on. We will be able to get over our negativity which can become endemic and destroy.

We HAVE a future, and God is at its centre. How that ‘future’ will be worked out, let’s trust God and not in ourselves. Get closer to Him and we will begin to discern what He requires of us all, and as we stop whinging, we may hear what He has to say.

And when others read the historical record of 2005 will they be able to say, ‘That was truly the year they found God in their midst’

December 2005