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Zetland Park Methodist Church Pastoral Letters
December 2016

The season of Christmas

Contrary to the secular developed Western nations' habits, the season of Christmas in the Christian calendar does not start until 24th December! The earlier part of December, the bulk of the month, is the season of Advent - one of my most favourite seasons for it is a time of expectation and preparation!

Advent starts on the fourth Sunday before Christmas (27th November this year) and is the time when we prepare for the coming of Jesus, not so much as a baby, but as a King!

But let not the fact that we so easily follow the secular world by bringing out our Christmas decorations as early as they do from stopping us from engaging with the true themes of Advent which are focused upon the requirement for the followers of Jesus to be ready to receive him in this world at this time.

In the first week the unexpected nature and timing of Christ's return and of the judgment which will follow is clearly heralded. In the second week John the Baptist calls for those who would follow Christ to genuinely repent and turn back to Him rather than assuming they will automatically be accepted on the basis of their religious practices.

In the third week we are reminded that things do not always go as we expect, for John is now in prison and clearly needs confirmation that Jesus is the Jews' expected Messiah. Jesus points out that lives are being changed by His teaching and ministry - leaving us to ponder if our lives too are changed by Christ! Week four this year lets us explore one of the lesser characters of the story of Jesus' birth, the role of Joseph and his obedience to and acceptance of the will of God to bring about the purposes of God. Are we equally willing to submit to His calling on our lives despite the

It would be a wonderful mark of the true spirit of Advent if we had the Christmas tree up in Church but not decorated until much nearer Christmas as a sign of the waiting for Christ's return which is the meaning of the season. However, despite the initial decision of Church Council not to decorate the Tree until after the second Sunday in Advent, this has been changed so we look a bit more Christmasy in time for the December concert - but maybe another year!

May Advent be a season of Spiritual challenge so that we might be prepared for the coming of Christ in all his glory - whenever that might happen!

All Blessings


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